Public policy
Policy mission
Circular Arizona, formerly the Arizona Recycling Coalition, is a leader in education on waste management policy in Arizona and a resource to municipalities, state legislators and other stakeholders in understanding the risks and opportunities associated with waste management policy at all levels of government.
Leveraging our diverse group of members, we ensure the voices of all stakeholders are considered in conversations around waste management policy.
Stakeholders include municipal, county, tribal and state circular economy coordinators, nonprofits, circular economy businesses, waste management companies, academia and other members of the Arizona community and Circular Arizona.
AzRC policy committee
The Circular Arizona policy committee meets monthly to support the organization’s policy efforts. This group:
Identifies important regulations and bills introduced across scales of government (federal to local).
Reviews how bills and regulations may affect Arizona’s sustainable materials management sector.
Develops educational materials on existing regulations affecting the sector.
Reviews sustainable materials management policies in other locales that may be useful for AZ.
Creates general policy stances on broad-scale sustainable materials management issues for AzRC.
Connects AzRC members with policymakers to act as area experts and share their perspectives.
Determines future advocacy efforts of the AzRC.
Any member of Circular Arizona is welcome to join the policy committee or attend any meeting. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month at 1 p.m.
If you are interested in attending or have any questions please contact us at
Event recaps
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